Monday, September 19, 2011

Why am I juicing now

I began juicing about 12 years ago after reading about the benefits of fresh juice. At the time I had 2 toddlers, my husband was in his residency and time was precious. I valued the benefits of juicing but had no desire to invest the time to make it. So I spent 10 of those years juicing a few days a month.

2 years ago I started trying to address some health issues I began having after turning 40. Juicing seemed to make it better but I was no where near consistent to really see good results. All that changed 52 days ago when my husband and I watched the movie" Fat, Sick and nearly dead" on Netflex.  That moment changed our lives. We went from sporadically juicing to living off of juice. We consume any where from 16oz to 40oz of fresh juice daily and the benefits have been nothing but amazing.

We have enjoyed the results so much that we cant help but share with anyone willing to hear. My husband has lost close to 50lbs.  My body functions as it did in my 20's.

Just recently we began giving samples to others to taste and they like it so much they requested that we make some for them. So we have and now are beginning to hear the benefits that others are feeling.  A few days ago I prepared 24 jars of juice for 2 friends. I am so convinced of the health benefits and the need to share this with others that the process of juicing that I once found tiresome has become a labor of love. Well my friends are amazed at the benefits of this juice and the high quality of the taste. Once you taste fresh juice it is hard to settle for anything else.  It's got 2 be the juice.