Tuesday, October 16, 2012

We are juicing again and I am already seeing a difference. My husband is about to turn 50 and I am now 47. Our bodies are behaving a little differently and we need to nourish differently.

About this time last year my husband and I began a 60 day juice fast. I found that I needed a bit more than juice so I started to incorporating more whole foods. I have found that as I mature I need a lot more nutrients. My body feels and acts better when it is properly hydrated and feed.

We begin this 2nd fast last month and I am feeling better all over. My hair is growing, I am sleeping better and I seem to have a lot of energy especially in the morning. I am asked often by my friends where do you get your recipes for your juices. I look on the Internet, or in my resource books. I have a book from Hallelujah acers, Fork over knives and Fat sick and nearly dead. The most important aspect of the juice is using what I have in the refrigerator and using produce appropriate to the season.

I shop at Asian markets, wholesale warehouse club stores, and my favorite is the farmers market.

We recently moved to Maine!  I did not know that farming was big here.  I live in a community where there is a farmers market available 3 times a week. I am trying new fruits and vegetables.

I look forward to sharing my new finds and old favorites.